I recently finished Jenna Satterwhite’s novel Made For You. The novel has two timelines following Julia, who is a Synth created to participate on “The Proposal”, which is essentially the same show as The Bachelor in real life. One time line is her life following the show and the second begins with her life beginning hours before the taping of the first episode. Her creator, Andy, made her specifically tuned to be desirable for the contestant of The Proposal. The current timeline makes it obvious that she does “win” on the show. Personally, I find it difficult to call competing on such a show and winding being engaged or married to someone that you only know under the artificial circumstances of a “reality” show a “win”, but that’s our culture now, right?

Although Julia is a Synth, or an artificially made human being of some type, Satterwhite spends very little time in the book explaining how that technology works. To a degree, I felt al little frustrated by this, but this isn’t really a science fiction book. It’s actually more of a thriller, because in the current timeline of the book, her husband has gone missing.

I found the characters compelling and believable, but how they are perceived as the story gives more information about their activities and their motives is very well done. I found the conclusion of the book incredibly satisfying for a thriller.

A recommended read.